Map «Fulda Gap» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

Fulda Gap

The Fulda Gap represented the shortest route from the border between East Germany and West Germany to the Rhine River. Throughout the Cold War, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Warsaw Pact military forces remained heavily concentrated in the area.

Recommended bots: 60 - 100
Recommended gamemode: Point Match or Battle

This map is based of Fulda Gap. Due to the lack of cold war germany maps on the workshop, I decided to make one myself.
Heavy foliage may result in frame drops. AI also may be retarded at some areas.
All the models execpt the tree is made by me.

This is not accurate represention of the Fulda Gap since in real life the terrain is hella flat, and that would cause all the AI to shoot at you miles away. Bugs may occur when playing.

File info

  • Added by: Dodique
  • Author: amzingdxge
  • Mod version: 7.09.2022
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 20.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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