Few events of Everatan history are as meaningful, yet symbolic as the storming of the Kopultri Imperial Palace on the 11th Gredathyme 917. The day before abste cells throughout Kopultria had acted following the assassination of Prince Ishut Maramesh earlier that year. Quickly the capital of Tuchureshtsi was overrun by revolutionary soldiers of the 3rd Dragoons, 21st Infantry and 16th Infantry divisions assigned to defend it and the surrounding area.
However the Kopultri House Guard regiment remained resistant in the Imperial Palace (Also known as the Walled Palace), despite coming under artillery fire from the mutinous naval units in the harbour. Marshal Uhrd-Gotsentkii, one of a large number of revolutionary soldiers, ordered that the palace must fall. Marshal Kurolchesch, a loyalists, ordered Commander Shuklet and his men to fight until the death...