Map «Oxbow Lakes» for Ravenfield (Build 30)

Oxbow Lakes

Come visit the beautiful Oxbow lakes. Pay no attention to the military base in the area. Here you have everything you could want! Come stay at our magnificent resort, walk the scenic hiking trail, experience the culture or relax with some fishing in the local fishing hole.

The citizens around these parts are not too fond of the Raven Private Military Company(R-PMC). They have created their own militia known as the Eagle Peoples Militia (EPM), hoarding weapons for years trying to remove the Raven presence in an attempt to restore tourism levels to before the Ravens set up shop.

Now is finally the time to get some tourist cash to the area by expelling those blasted Ravens! Join the other side if you'd rather fight against the people trying to make a living from wealthy outsiders.

Contains all land/air vehicles (including AA and anti-tank turrets)
13 points in total, Medium sized map
Any bot count (128+, set to 164)
Any team
Preferably long or epic

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