Fitness & Workout Overhaul for Project Zomboid (v41.x)

Fitness & Workout Overhaul

Don't like how the fitness system works ? Too unrealistic ? Too slow ? Too fast ?
Updates how much exp is gained based on some realistic inspired parameters.
Adds 2 new workout options: a working treadmill and functioning bench-press (bring your own barbell).
Lots of customizable options to tune it to your liking (comes setup out of the box with my personal recommendations)

Both mods in this pack can be used individually.
Works in SP and MP.

Both fitness options are integrated into the vanilla fitness system. Meaning they have their own regularity and affect endurance/temperature/sweat/etc. as a vanilla exercise would.

  • Working treadmill which requires power to run. Running will increase fitness, sprinting and strength if you carry more then 50% weight
  • The Bench-press requires you to find your own barbell, after which you can have yourself a good workout.

Overhauls the way fitness experience is calculated.

  • Take the initial perk bonus into account (75% 100% 125%)
  • Get a bonus for the current exercise depending on the regularity
  • Get a bonus depending on the average of all your exercises regularity
  • Get a bonus per perk level
  • Get a bonus when not sulfuring from muscle soreness
  • Get a bonus for spacing out your workouts (promotes regular spaced out sessions)

Workout With Backpack:
backpacks/equipables can remain equiped while doing exercises
For treadmill, benchpress AND Vanilla exercises

Workouts Are Fun:
Workout reduces Stress, Anger, Boredom and Unhappiness.
(disabled if Dynamic Traits is active)

all rates and values can be adjusted or turned off in the sandbox settings.
For more detailed info check out the "FWOFitnessWorkoutOverhaul XP Multiplier Explained" discussion.

note: removing the mod will keep the last set exp multiplier !


(feel free to send in your translations or contact me in the colab section)
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