Parachuting Start for Project Zomboid (v41.x)

Parachuting Start

This mod gives you a parachute and animates it when you spawn.

Outside Spawn Points & Insertions is recommended, but not strictly required, as it gives you the suitable spawn locations for using this mod.

Mod Details

  • You need to spawn outside or on a rooftop with a new character, otherwise nothing will happen (specifically any square that does not have a roof, and a character that has survived less than 0.1 hours)
  • After you land, the parachute will be automatically removed and you will be left with its container (works as a backpack)


Compatibility will be made soon, one way or another!

Either I will include a patch that overwrites Insurgent, or work with the Insurgent mod authors to make both mods compatible.

File info

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