Chainsaw Man Mod for People Playground

Chainsaw Man Mod

this mod adds fully functioning contracts, hybrids, the REAL chainsaw man and much more, most powers are explained either in the contract or in the description of the characters.

awesome patreon quotes (you could be here)

“I, william the 1st am the greatest builder in Zuccian’s server!”-william

"feelin like ike at the end of the movie" - the purgatory lunch man

“I wanna feel some boobs”- sxnxr

"I am the great Power! Kneel before my greatness!"- mother destroyer

I can't think of anything"- purgatory warden

“VAM VAM VAA”- rii

"'Rip and tear' - denji, probably"- eggscalibur

“Smash on angel devil Ngl”- sosus

"“Bazinga” - Gay scientist from Big Bang Theory"- buddy the court jester

"my ass hurts"- nopulse

“Maybe I became a devil hunter for a really shallow reason, but I’m willing to die to keep living like this”- hollow

"I like lemons"- lemon juice

"You remember what happens to the Jews- Makima" - blarg300

"i love sexy zuccian" - gay lovers

File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: zuccian
  • Mod version: 01.01.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 8.6 mb
  • Source: Go to
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Simply sam

RIP for non-manga readers


preety sad it aint workin on my version of people playground


bro if it doesn't work on your version just play a different version and you spelled pretty wrong bro


i like how you have gorila tag as your photo