Snatcher Sea Monster for People Playground

Snatcher Sea Monster

A giant ambush predator that lunges out to sucks victims into its gullet. If the bite doesn't kill you, the suction will. Metal isn't part of its diet, if it eats a boat or a submarine, it will leave a serious blockage in its throat. (atleast it looks cool)

Most of its victims are ones that are too curious or just don't see it. It usually leaves some kind of bait.

To bite: Press the green barrel with an X on it (circled in screenshot).

I recommend Continuous on physics iterations to prevent humans or the jaws from phasing into each other. The bite is extremely powerful.

DONT rotate the contraption over atleast 70 degrees, it causes it to break. Due to this using radios, you can't have more than 1 Snatcher.

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ayo it says its corrupted


hey, get newer version of people playground and it wont be corrupted, it looks so fucking cool ngl
