Massive citadel "Platova" for maybe frying your pc
A bunch of rich people bought a mountain that later got demolished for the sake of building a place that is suitable for surviving any enviroment and not looking like old basement.
Far ahead in the future, original owners have passed away and surprisingly, the property got carried away in hands of society. And so was born now-known Citadel "Platova". Standing tall and clear, parts of citadel were separated for each tasks and purpose. The bottom was basically a town with just living blocks on the ceiling, floor and walls. After the town, anyone could visit industrial area that refined and built all different stuff. Small living apartments were sprayed all across the citadel, alongside deadly machine that could heat you up to temperature of surface of sun, melt your bones or send you flying all the way from top to ground. For now, the citadel is staying safe and less active than any other megastructures, which is a good thing, you wouldn't want to see countless weaponry opening out of the massive walls to incinerate anything in the way.
~4045 objects, vanilla, not destructible (thank god), heavily affects perfomance (you'll have massive lag spike at spawn, but then after it spawns, it maybe won't lag that much)
does this work?
i dontow kowyn buyroether bat jest tr,iery
i dowlanded it and its working