Last update: 31.07.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 29.07.24
The Road to Anime is the official Road to 56 compatibility spin-off of Anime no Sekai. Having over a thousand portraits in the quality Anime no Sekai is known for, this mod will enhance the anime experience for those who love RT56.
Despite the plethora of anime mods, both large and small, on the workshop, we have, still are, and will do our best to bring about a qualitative anime experience when playing Hearts of Iron IV.
Version 25.01.24 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.6)
Version 15.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.3)
Version 11.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1)
Version 27.05.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)
Version 28.03.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.11)
Version 14.04.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.4)
Version 25.03.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.4)
Version 14.02.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.4)
Version 10.11.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1)
Version 30.08.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.3)
Version 09.08.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.3)
Update to latest please
A must have mod
there is a bug when i try to use the resarch menu it doesn't let me research
Update,please to 1.14.4