In the vanilla game, the only way to release puppets during war is per Reichskommissariat Focus as Germany. That always bothered me. So now i finally decided to create a mod to balance this issue. My mod adds releasable puppets for various major nations which you can even release while beeing in war (Your occupied opponents).
As Example: You attack Poland as Germany, you have now the possiblity to create the Generalgouverment Polen (a small integrated vassal state of Germany in Poland during World War 2 to better manage those territories)
And so not enough, i added (and im still adding) many releasable nations various kinds to our Hoi4 majors.
Current content:
New releasable Puppets for Germany:
New releasable Puppets for Soviet Union:
New releasable Puppets for Italy:
New releasable Puppets for Japan:
New releasable Puppets and liberations for Great Brittain
File info