Last update: 05.07.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 09.05.24
Hello Everyone !
i have always wonders with some friends why urban warfare, despite being one of the worts combat situation encountered in WW2 (You can look it up), in Hoi4 cities can sometimes be taken as simply as taking plains and forest, despite being more difficult.
This mod aims to fix that by adding a couple of tactics related to urban warfare and gave a whole new sets of modifiers to cities and/or urban tiles.
Thus, urban warfare will be more challenging, while still being possible. That way you can emulate the siege of Sevastopol or even have your realistic Battle of Stalingrad or grind your way to the Battle of Berlin
Future Changes
After your game reports or suggestions in the comments, we will together fine tune this mod so it really keeps a good balance between difficulty and fun (but the mod seems pretty balanced as it seems rn).
I am still open to changes, let me know in the comments
Thanks and see you in another time !
17.01.24 (1.13.1-1.13.6)
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