Mod «Their Finest Bruh (TFB)» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.4)

Their Finest Bruh (TFB)

Main multiplayer mod used by the famous youtuber/streamer Bokoen and WoW streamer Tommykay.

Currently being developed by ThatGuyFromCollege, Vik and Packerfan.

Mod right now would not be possible if not for the work of previous mod leads Cho King and Loweee. RIP Swimmy. Huge thanks to Peef and Spitfire for their blood, sweat, and tears to make this mod.

Also credit to:

  • Machotacoman, Colonial Rebel and the rest of the blackice team: Focus, idea and equipment gfx
  • Hearts of Oak Team: Focus and idea gfx
  • Lennard for the resource topbar mod
  • Soviet portraits reworked for a great resource of period correct portraits
  • Battlesound for some excellent soundfiles
  • Modifier Icons for their beautiful icons that make the UI look so much better
  • Thank you to FoxDie24 for the updated Mexico Portraits and the Bokoen1 Portrait
  • Thank you to Marco for updated icons and idea graphics for Brazil and the Netherlands
  • Zeno and Co for his work to refresh the Brazilian and South African trees, as well as the new France Tree
  • Chezloc for some focus localization and getting the new game rules started while I was on Vacation

NOTE: This mod is not designed for singleplayer. This mod is made for large multiplayer competitive games. Small improvements have been made to the AI in recent patches, but they still will not make good divisions or take full advantage of the mods features. They have had their focuses scripted out until roughly the start of Barb and the start of the pacific war. This is not a full quality AI, but should allow for easier test builds/minor amounts of solo play.

Bug Fixes:

  • MEFO Bills should once again correctly get removed when going to war
  • German Trade Treaty with Sweden now works with the Puppet Norway
  • Fixed an issue where Vichy couldn't do their focus tree due to Petain weirdness
  • Fixed some Vichy flavor events not working
  • Fixed Yugo Railways from focuses to reflect updated states in Western Italy
  • Fixed a ton of things relating to Characters in Mexico
  • South African Infrastructure focuses no longer put their Infrastructure into dead states
  • Fixed everyone being able to use the Turkish straits, now only Bulgaria, Romania, and the soviets can
  • Fixed a bug where the Soviets could use their Tank Designer on Support Equipment which would super level the MIO

General Changes:

  • Sweden has been returned to the Generic Focus tree for now
  • Sweden now starts on Free Trade
  • Sweden once again has the Super Neutrality spirit
  • Choosing to Annex Denmark instead of making a puppet no longer costs 10 stability (Still determining what to do about Fascist Norway Puppet)
  • UK AI should now longer attack USA if you pull out of the treaty
  • Romania AI should now try to join the Axis more consistently
  • Italy AI should try not to pick a fight with Yugo or Greece till France is capped
  • German AI should barb slightly later in 41
  • Finland is no longer forced to join the Continuation War day 1 (Ahistorical, but needed for balance)

Balance Changes:

  • Buffed the range of most Range boosts in MIO's to 10% from 5%, as there is much less range than pre MIO's which severely warps Africa balance
    - MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_FACTORIES_TAKEN_BY_CONSUMER_GOODS_PERCENT = 0.1 -> 0.05 -- The minimum number of factories we have to put on consumer goods, in percent.
  • NIndustrialOrganisation.FUNDS_FOR_SIZE_UP_LEVEL_FACTOR = 0.8 -> 0.9 -- How much each level mutliplies the funds for size up
    - NIndustrialOrganisation.FUNDS_FOR_RESEARCH_COMPLETION_PER_RESEARCH_COST = 500 -> 400 -- Funds added to MIO when the Design Team has completed a research, multiplied by research_cost in technology template
  • Nerfed Finish SISU spirit by 5-10% in most areas
  • Nerfed Finish Army Spirit by 5% in a number of areas
  • US Consumer Goods Debuff from Great Depression increased
  • Oslo changed to a 15 VP from 13
  • Bergen changed to a 7 VP from 3
  • Trondheim changed to a 5 VP from 3
  • Stravanger changed to a 3 VP from 1
  • Kristiansand changed to a 2 VP from 1
  • German Trade Treaty with Sweden now grants Germany military access through Sweden
  • Limited Exports Lend Lease Requirement 20% WT -> 10% WT

Version 02.09.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)

  • Fix for Ustase in Italy focus tree
  • Fix for broken GFX in Greater Romania path


Version 14.07.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)

Air Changes:

  • AIR_WING_MAX_STATS_ATTACK = 300 -> 500
  • ACCIDENT_CHANCE_BALANCE_MULT = 1 -> 0.75 -- Multiplier for balancing how often the air accident really happens. The higher mult, the more often.
  • NDefines.NAir.BIGGEST_AGILITY_FACTOR_DIFF = 4.0 -> 5.0 -- biggest factor difference in agility for doing damage (caps to this) -- Vanilla is 3.0
  • COMBAT_MULTIPLANE_CAP = 2.5 -> 3 -- How many planes can shoot at each plane on other side ( if there are 100 planes we are atttacking, 300 of our planes can shoot )
  • All Concentrated Industy Techs grant 5% more damage from strategic bombing
  • Strat Bomber Agility from 5/7/10/12 to 5/6/7/8
  • Jet Strat Bomber Aluminum 50 -> 55
  • Jet Strat Bomber Tungsten 20 -> 5
  • Jet Fighter Aluminum 20 -> 30
  • Jet Fighter Tungsten 30 -> 5
  • Jet Tac Bomber Aluminum 40 -> 50
  • Jet Tac Bomber Tungsten 30 -> 5

Buildings Changes:

  • Military Factory HP 8 -> 4
  • Civilian Factory HP 5 -> 4
  • Military and Civilian Damage from Strat Bombing 1 -> 10
  • Rubber, Steel, and Synthetic Refinery HP 4 -> 10
  • Rubber, Steel, and Synthetic Refinery Damage from Strat Bombing 1 -> 0.1

Strat Bombers should be able to do more damage to kill regular factories, while Refineries should be more resilient. Initial testing suggests Refineries should be twice as hard to hit, and factories should be many times easier to hit.

Additionally, Fighters should be doing more damage attacking and killing each other, but lose a bit less to accidents. This will help a bit with plane bloat later in the game.

Carriers have a slight buff to their damage in battles to make them better.

Navy Changes:

  • NAVAL_STRIKE_CARRIER_MULTIPLIER = 1 -> 1.5 -- damage bonus when planes are in naval combat where their carrier is present (and can thus sortie faster and more effectively)
  • Cruiser Armor now grants 10/20/30/40% Torpedo Damage Reduction
  • Cruiser Armor now grants 5/10/15/20% Torpedo Crit Chance Reduction
  • CARRIER_HOURS_DELAY_AFTER_EACH_COMBAT = 8 -> 6 -- how often carrier planes do battle inside naval combat
  • Lowered the damage of the light cruiser guns from 5/10/15/20 to 3/6/9/12
  • Added .25 piercing to the light guns (Destroyer main gun or the thing you can put in the top row on ships that gives Light Attack) (This will make dedicated Light Attack cruisers suffer a bit less against their torpedo cruiser counterparts)

Other Changes:

  • Lowered Heavy Water Raid requirements from 50% to 30% resistance and network strength from 50% to 40%
  • Border Wars removed from blocking Soviet Marshals
  • Bluchr semi-historical path now mutually exclusive, but grants the same doctrine as Shaposhnikov. Also grants an extra 5% org loss when moving and 5% army attack speed factor (will be more changes in the future)
  • Border War win will now grant 100% cost reduction on land doctrine instead of 50% for both Japan and the Soviets, and if soviets win they get a 25% armor bonus (Japan already gets a 100% bonus from winning)


Version 21.06.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)

  • All Light Cruiser Guns have their HP Multiplier reduced from .15 to .1
  • All Heavy Cruiser guns lose 1 Visibility (3.5 -> 2.5)
  • Battleship Armor 1 Armor Value 30 -> 32
  • Battleship Armor 2 Armor Value 36 -> 38
  • Battleship Armor 3 Armor Value 40 -> 44
  • All Heavy Batteries lose 2 Heavy Attack
  • Heavy Cruiser Gun Piercing 22/26/32/38 -> 22/28/34/40
  • Reduced the Naval Speed boost of all designers and spirits in the game by 5% (unless already at 5%)
  • This affects all Naval Designers
  • This affects Japan and Manchu Propaganda
  • This affects the 'Cruiser Captain' and 'Bold' Admiral Traits
  • This affects the Italian 'Esploratori' idea
  • This affects the Soviet 'Empire in the Pacfic' Idea
  • This does NOT effect Tora Tora Tora
  • NAVAL_STRIKE_CARRIER_MULTIPLIER = 2 -> 3 -- damage bonus when planes are in naval combat where their carrier is present (and can thus sortie faster and more effectively)
  • Fire Control AA Multiplier 0/0.05/0.1/0.15 to 0/0.03/0.06/0.09
  • DISRUPTION_FACTOR_CARRIER = 10 -> 15.0 -- multiplier on disruption damage to scale its effects on carrier vs carrier planes
  • Navy Chief Decisive Battle Attack Factor 5/10/15% to 3/6/10%
  • Navy Chief Maneuvering Speed Factor 5/10/15% to 3/6/9%
  • Navy Chief Air Defense AA Factor 8/15/20% to 5/10/15%
  • Navy High Command Capital Ships Attack Factor 10/15/20% to 5/10/15%
  • Navy High Command Screens Attack Factor 10/15/20% to 5/10/15%


Version 22.03.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.11)


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Does this mod works to for singleplayer? lol


pls update to 1.13.7


pls update 


update to 1.14
