Map of Russia, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus. Cargo and passenger transportation is carried out in the CIS and Europe.
284 town and village of Europe
working weigh stations
payment system Platon
workers of traffic police posts, the city's traffic
large base-garage in the city of Samara with base of the company Eastern Express kV Krasnoyarsk Sovtransavto
all companies in Europe and the CIS have a real analogue in the CIS brand new and are not equivalent to default.
passenger transportation is carried out by buses between bus stations, and in the CIS also between airports, construction sites, seaports.
new cargo - tinkering only in the CIS countries
new trailers with logos of Russian companies
in the last cities , such as Omsk and Novosibirsk on the bases are animated gates
in fashion installed in its showroom
bus Volvo Purchased in salons - in Samara, Ufa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Kharkiv, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Brest, Grodno, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Volgograd, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok.
Features of passenger transportation:
disable in the settings advanced simulation hitch with trailer-disable in the settings of cables and hoses - set to NO
You must have about 100 thousand euros to buy a bus - to access the passengers
You must purchase a license for goods ADR 3 (gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.) - then buy a bus in one of the above showrooms
if passengers in the menu of goods You have not appeared, they will appear on the next day, ie after 0 hours you can sleep in the garage to come the next day.
You are ready to transport passengers.
Do not buy a license no. 3 while working for his uncle, otherwise the truck You will be machine to pick up passengers instead of trailers.
Features of loading and unloading with passengers: - fence and disembarkation of passengers is carried out by hitting the frame in FRONT,
and not backwards like a truck-ie passengers it's still a trailer, only invisible, so
You will be difficult to Park it backwards and you need to check in to the Parking lot to do more arc arrival so that at the entrance to the
Parking lot invisible trailer was able to take the position of the bus - then problems with disembarkation will not be.
fixed all the bugs-held a full adaptation to patch 1.35.х
how to install?