Basilisco Airstrike Reloaded for Teardown

Basilisco Airstrike Reloaded

Modified version of Fitne Por's Basilisco Airstrike.

New Features

Hrafns: Press R after Basilisco arrives to summon up to eight Hrafn drones that will seek out and destroy enemies. Idle drones will receive a target from Basilisco after a sonar ping. Credit to Fitne Por for the Drone Testing mod.

Sonar: Press Z to periodically reveal heist objectives, loot, the escape vehicle, enemies and explosive props through walls. The pings will draw the attention of other bots skyward. Useful for Hunted missions.

Autonomy: Press X to allow the Basilisco Airstrike to act independently, reacting to noise, tracking targets and directing summoned Hrafn drones. This is a work-in-progress feature.

Bombing Run: Press Shift+Q to start a strafing run over Basilisco's current target. A toggle in the mod options allows you to switch from random weapon selection to firing everything at once.

Ventral Laser: Press V to fire a powerful laser straight down, leaving a trail of destruction wherever Basilisco goes.

Enrage: An entirely new mechanic unique to Basilisco Airstrike Reloaded. Basilisco can now rage, unleashing a continuous barrage of rockets, mortars, and lasers at every enemy on the map. This is an experimental feature which can be triggered manually with Shift+R, or automatically under certain conditions...

Recon Flares: Fire Basilisco's recon flares with Shift+Z to light up a large area, and also help it find targets.

New Weapons: Bigger cruise missiles, the aforementioned ventral laser, supercharged lasers, nukes, and more in future updates.

Ketos Missiles: Press Shift+LMB to fire a missile from every wild Ketos on the map.

Dima's Destructible Robots Support: The few weapons that don't go boom are now fully compatible with Destructible Bots.

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