This mod contains a collection of patches that try to harmonize a variety of mods with Medieval Overhaul.
For people who use SeedsPlease:Lite, you can use Cherry Picker to remove the MO wheat, sugar, and herb for the seed extraction recipe to work with the VCE changes.
Compatible with Medieval Overhaul Tweaks and Medieval Cross-Functionality Patches+ probably. I use both and haven't noticed an issue.
Supported mods and their changes are listed below:
Alpha Animals:
Ben Lubar Presents: Vanilla Books Expanded Expanded:
Expanded Materials - Metals & LITE version
SRTS Expanded Medieval Tweaks and Translation:
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews:
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi:
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval:
Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants:
This mod used to remove the need to refuel torches and lamps. That feature has been moved to a standalone mod: Lag Free Torches and More
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