Mod «EPOE 1.4 (Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering)» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)

EPOE 1.4 (Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering)

This is a patch for 1.4.

This is an update for the mod until the original creator completes their version.

This mod gives you the ability to craft your own prostheses and artificial organs. Starting with basic prostheses like a peg leg or a hook hand, you can research everything you can think about: Simple prostheses like the vanilla ones, countless new, bionic body parts and even advanced bionics. But to get advanced bionics you have to do plenty of research and they're also pretty expensive to craft.
If you tend to lose your organs, this mod helps, too! You can research and craft surrogate and synthetic organs, so you never have to miss your kidney again!
This mod is quite extensive, so there's enough work to do to keep you busy until the endgame!

08.12.23 (1.0-1.4)


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