Mod «Blood Animations» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Blood Animations

Adds blood sprays, animated bleeding, ricochets, and impact debris for non-organic pawns and structures!

Animated bleeding

Animated bleeding based on pawn bleed rate.


When bullets are deflected by body armor, or when hitting hard targets like mechanoids, ricochet animations may occur!

Impact Debris

When hitting inorganic pawns or structures, debris will fly out!
Impact debris follow similar rules to blood spray.

Compatible with Vanilla Expanded Framework blood types, such as those used in Vanilla Races Expanded and Alpha Genes

18.06.24 (1.4-1.5)

Improved fleshmass and fleshbeast blood animations
Improved fleshmass filth textures
Improved impact debris particles
Added ground impact particles
Added support for the unique blood types in The Profaned.


21.04.24 (1.4-1.5)


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