Last update: 03.07.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 11.04.24
Just as a heads up, I have two kid who I am taking care of full time, modding time and energy is very low
They are immortal, they have inside them blood of kings.
This mod is based on highlander rules although with a few changes to make them less OP and hopefully enough settings to let them be as OP as you want.
More specific information about numbers and even a bit of self troubleshooting. Somewhat of spoilers if you want to be kept in the dark about how it all works.
There SHOULD be no issues in adding this game during your play through. One issue is that only new pawn generation rolls for giving a pawn immortality. You can add it yourself via dev mode(its a hediff).
Removing this mod mid play through will throw a bunch of errors as content is missing but in theory this shouldn't matter after the fact.
This is a general list of things I plan on adding in no particular order and with no guarantees
-Russian by Tkhakiro
Might throw some errors and require some dev mode clean up but shouldn't kill your save game:
Rim of Magic - Zombies mess with pawn faction and break things when they are revived. In this case when the immortal revives they are no longer one of your colonists.
Mixed Reports on Issues
Children School and Learning - Most people reporting no issues as of late
-If an immortal pawn's body is in a map that stops existing they won't be able to revive. This also includes dieing alone in a caravan.
Required: Harmony
28.10.22 (1.0-1.4)
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