Mod «Ammo Variety - Grenade Launchers» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)

Ammo Variety - Grenade Launchers

Adds many new auxillary ammo types for grenade launchers of Combat Extended.

Supports all common grenade launcher calibers and generic ammo mode. Gives unique graphics to new and old grenade launcher projectiles.

In polishing/public testing stage. Description impromevements pending.


Upscaled beanbag ammo for wide bores of grenade launchers. Noticeably more powerful, it is almost too much to be called "non-lethal". Bouncy baton projectile ricochets off targets, often attempting to fly towards unsuspecting bystanders. Ricochets can be utilised to reduce damage to target by aiming at the ground in front of them.

Proper use involves aiming at the torso or legs. Inaccurate hits by baton grenades can cause debiliating head wounds and broken fingers.


A load of buckshot stuffed into a grenade casing. Not as accurate as a proper shotgun shell, it nonetheless can save the grenadier should they find themselves in a close quarters engagement. Spread is too high to be effective at long range.


A shell with a miniature wireless camera encapsulated inside, capable of providing high-quality situation reports for several hours straight. Acts as a temporary CCTV and removes fog of war in a small circle around them.

Direct hits into a wall might damage the camera, rendering it unusable. Best fired into open fields for soft landings. Highly expensive to manufacture.

Appears in game only if you have  Combat AI 5000


A load of fire extinguishing foam in grenade launcher format. Instantly stops fires in a small area. Safe to shoot unsuspecting allies with.


Your old trusty parachute flare. Deploys into the sky over an area, provides light and accuracy bonuses against pawns at night. Runs out after a few hours. Can be fired over walls.

Flashbang Airburst

A stunning pyrotechnical charge that explodes in the air over targets. Area of effect is much smaller than the handgrenade version, but the weapon range is much higher. Timed airburst fuse makes this grenade good against targets in cover.

Mid-air, this grenades makes a loud whistling noise, which sounds exactly like a mortar shell falling, suppressing enemies much harder than such grenade normally would. All this comes at the cost of higher manufacturing cost.


A civilised version of the Molotov Cocktail. Packs a prometheum charge that sticks to targets and burns through armor, making it effective even against mechanoids. Very low area of effect and poor accuracy of grenade launchers means that you'll have to employ skilled shooters to reliably hit targets with this shell type.

Signal Smoke

A disposable, less reliable alternative to using Binoculars. Upon impact, releases a vertical cloud of red smoke to spot the area for artillery bombardment. Which isn't the most practical way to mark coordinates, so you'll sometimes have to use more than one signal grenade until those artillery nerds figure out where this smoke cloud is.

Skills of the grenadier still matter for artillery accuracy, so make sure to put the smartest people on spotting duty.


A less-lethal grenade designed to disorient whole groups of people at once. Releases tiny rubber balls, which apply muscle spasms on hit. Releases a toxic gas cloud if you have Biotech. Creates a tiny explosion, which hurts folks on direct hit. All these effects for one small grenade make it not very good at anything in particular.

Best fired at a spot *near* groups of lightly armored targets.

Only appears in game if you have Grenade Variety installed, until I figure out a better way for these 2 mods to share defs.

Requires: Combat Extended

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