Mod «Android Tiers Neural Manipulation» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Android Tiers Neural Manipulation

Android Tiers Neural Manipulation [ATNM]

Android Tiers Neural Manipulators is a sub-mod for Android Tiers Reforged, adding a new implant (one for mechanical pawns and one for organic pawns) that allows SkyMind-connected pawns to be controlled via a SkyMind Core, with 8 different possible states.

Android Tiers itself is a mod that intends to add mechanical colonists, animals, and related mechanics to RimWorld to create a completely new playstyle and bring a very different experience to the table.


  • The Neural Manipulator and Digital Commander for organics and mechanicals, respectively.
  • The ability to control pawns implanted with the hediff if connected to the SkyMind network with a Core active, via a new Command.
  • Eight new commands and matching mechanics to exert influence and control over subject pawns.
  • Even more abuses of sapient rights!

The Protocols

  • Rampage: Any pawn can be induced into a furious rage, attacking all non-rampaging pawns while gaining significant combat advantages. There is a slight chance of short confusion mental breaks when exiting this state.
  • Stasis: Any pawn can be instantly incapacitated. This has a small chance to cause a short-term coma-like state when initiated. This protocol reallocates unused energy toward health recovery.
  • Terror: Slaves swiftly gain suppression and cannot join slave rebellions, but suffer an extra mood penalty from stress. There is a slight chance of heart attacks occurring while active.
  • Numbness: Any pawn can be made happier and be immune to pain, but suffer consciousness penalties.
  • Harvest: Any pawn can have their minds harvested for skill and hacking points, killing them and generating an equal amount of both based on their skills. This protocol can not be cancelled. This leaves the body blank.
  • Cultivation: Non-prisoners with this chip may lose all global learning ability, but idly generate a tiny amount of skill points.
  • Conversion: Any pawn will lose resistance (prisoners), will (if resistance is 0), and ideological certainty (if will is 0) over time at the cost of draining hacking points (the speed and cost of which depends on the pawn's conversion resistance). Unwavering pawns are immune to this protocol. This protocol will not automatically recruit or convert pawns if resistance/will/confidence hits 0 - a pawn must finish the job. Mood is severely decreased while this protocol is active.
  • Replacement: Any pawn may have their consciousness completely wiped and replaced with a new, random consciousness. This protocol disconnects the subject from the network and makes them comatose during the extended process. This process is non-interruptible and non-cancellable. The chip will burn out when the process begins.


  • You can not initiate protocols without an SkyMind Core and being connected to the network.
  • Should the pawn become disconnected from the network, they will keep their current protocol as the implant does not have a safety fallback. Cultivation, Harvest, and Conversion protocols do nothing if not connected.
  • Switching protocols (except to None) can only be done once every half hour.
  • Only one protocol may be active at a time.
  • Pawns find having this implant very unnerving, and it does increase hunger rate due to high power consumption.
  • Drones, being unable to connect to the SkyMind network and being unable to use half these protocols any way, will find no use from this implant despite it being installable.
  • The implant counts as a SkyMind Transceiver for organics, and is mutually exclusive with it and receivers.

Required: Android Tiers Reforged

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