Mod «Noobert Nebulous - Vidtuber» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Noobert Nebulous - Vidtuber

Noobert Nebulous is a mod created in partnership with Vanilla Expanded team, and allows you to become a famous vidtuber out in the Rim. By creating a streaming console, you can designate your colonists to become vidtubers and create videos. Depending on the selected tags and the skills of your colonist, your videos will attract more or less new views, generate new subscribers, cause people to unsubscribe and most importantly - generate revenue.
By gaining a large following, you will be able to release viral videos that attract hundreds of thousands of viewers, and ultimately yield a passive income every month based on those views.
Noobert Nebulous storyteller however will dial things up to the maximum. He will generate positive events on your way down, and strong negative events on your way up. Raids will be much more difficult, however you will receive a strong positive mood buff upon defeating them.
But don’t you dare to lose any of your vidtubers. Their death will result in a strong mood debuff.
Most of the settings in this mod can be adjusted in Mod Options.

Noobert Nebulous comes with the following traits:

Gradual Events
Noobert will send bad events when your wealth increases by $5k. He will send good events if your wealth decreases by $5k.

Noobert will create a queue of events, ranging between 1 and 4, and will send all events at the same time when the queue limit is reached.

Raid Multiplier
Noobert increases the size of every raid coming your way by a random multiplier between 1.0 and 2.0.

Upon defeating a raid, all your colonists will be given a positive mood buff for surviving the test.

Losing Influencers
Whenever a vidtuber dies, the colony will be thrown into sorrow. A long lasting negative buff will appear on all colonists if you let one of your vidtubers die.

This mod allows you to become a Vidtuber - a RimWorld version of a Youtuber, without all the toxicity from the comment section.

“A small console that allows colonists to create their own VidTube channels, upload videos, track their views and benefit from the videos financially.”

Streaming console will allow your colonists to create their own vidtube account, and ultimately - record vidtube videos. Colonists need to be capable of social skill in order to use the streaming console. It is unlocked with Microelectronics research.

You can use this console to customize a video you will be recording. Based on the selected tags and your skills (including Social skill), each video will generate a different amount of new views per day, subscribers, unsubscribers and most importantly: revenue.

Select the tags you like, let your colonist record the video and wait for the money to arrive. Vidtube pays creators once per quadrum - and this is when you can expect a full breakdown of all the views and subscribers.

Subscribers are a key to a successful vidtube career. Each subscriber is a guaranteed view on a video. While some videos may not generate any new views, they will still be watched by all subscribers. As such, if your subscriber count is high, so is the revenue. Build your fan base and watch the money roll in!

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