Mod «Euglena Expanded - Euglena Xenotype» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Euglena Expanded - Euglena Xenotype

A new race of pawns: Euglena.
Pawns of this race can perform photosynthesis, converting sunlight into nutrients.
Euglena are endowed with the ability to regenerate, allowing them to regenerate lost body parts over time.
To maintain their health, they can do the work of absorbing light on their own to replenish their energy.
Discover this unique race and make the most of their abilities!

Members of the Euglena race are deprived of the standard ability to reproduce. To increase the population, a unique breeding mechanic has been introduced through the creation of cocoons.


  • Euglena Framework
  • DLC Diotech
  • A new test disease that allows you to quickly increase the age of the pawn. DefName testAge
  • The logic of turning into a tree has been slightly changed.

26.05.23 (1.4)

-Changed the parameters of the sap of the great tree, now it does not fill the need for entertainment.
But pawns can now eat it themselves as normal food.


13.05.23 (1.4)


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