Mod «Tastier Armory - Medieval European Armors» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Tastier Armory - Medieval European Armors
Main goal of these mods is to provide a free, unbundled equipment base for faction modders and anyone who needs it.

Ok-ish variety of medieval clothing, armors and accessories.


gambeson coat - Thick coat worn under other armor. Light blunt and sharp protection
surcoat - textile vest worn over maille, for protection from weather and battlefield identification.
jupon - light padded jacket worn over plate harnesses, for battlefield identification and protection from arrow spalling.


hauberk - Longsleeved maille shirt. Provides good protection against cuts, but is less effective against blunt blows.
maille vest - worn over gambeson gives comparable protection to the hauberk at a cheaper price.
reinforced gambeson - Thinner gambeson with maille skirt and sleaves. lighter than wearing a full hauberk under other armor.
maille hoses / mittens - armor for feet / hands.


coat of plates - A vest made of medium sized plates riveted onto a textile base. Provides great protection but is not quite form fitting and has limited coverage.
brigandine vest - A vest with small overlapping armor plates riveted on it's inside, a more ergonomic evolution of the coat of plates.
brigandine plate armor - Brigandine vest with plate limb cover. Somewhat less protective than proper full plate, but it's cheaper and easier to maintain.
plate cuirass /full plate armor - a suit of plates, masterfully crafted to limit mobility as little as possible while providing the most amount of protection throughout the whole body.
plated boots / mittens - armor for feet / hands.


Some of the helmets have a special button that allows opening the helmet's visor to increase aiming accuracy at the cost of exposing wearer's face.

padded coif - a tough textile cap, typically worn under helmets to improve blunt protection.
coif with secret - Maille coif with a skullcap helmet underneath. bit suboptimal but quite stylish.

nasal helm - a helmet made of plates riveted together into a conical shape with a nasal plate attached. Protects nose at the cost of being bulkier and thinner than a kettle hat.
nasal helm with coif - maille coif attached to a nasal helm improves sharp protection of the neck and jaw at the cost of extra mass and bulk.
spectacle helmet - a Norse-style nasal helm with maille that got it's name after a heavier brow plate forming rings around the eye.
greathelm - a large, thick, fully enclosed helmet. While rather cumbersome and greatly restricts wearer's field of view and breathing, it is popular due to it's cheap manufacture.

greathelm - a large, thick, fully enclosed helmet. While rather cumbersome and greatly restricts wearer's field of view and breathing, it is popular due to it's cheap manufacture.
kettle hat - a simple helmet with a wide brim that covers only the top of the head without restricting wearer's sight.
bevor - articulated jaw and throat protection plate. Can be worn in addition to some helmets or (not recommended) without one.

full sallet - helmet with foldable visor and bevor. It's modularity made it popular among knights and anyone who could afford it.
fixed visor sallet - cheaper than it's knightly counterpart. While the visor restricts vision quite a bit while down, it can easily be tilted up to provide clear field of view, making it extrememly popular among crossbowmen.
open bascinet - a sturdy plate helmet without a faceplate. Popular among archers for being ergonomic, but has lesser coverage.

houndskull bascinet - Conical steel helmet with removable visor, it's shaped to deflect blows to the head at the cost of restiricting vision. The foldable visor's large beak somewhat reduces it's restriction of breathing in comparison to other bascinets.
armet - Fully enclosed helmet with reinforced forehead plate, shaped to closely fit the wearer's head. Provides the best protection of all helmets. Foldable visor.


dress /tunic - simple skin layer clothing worn by all manner of people.
cloak and hood - simple cloak and hood, covers from cold winds and scorching sunlight.
fancy furcoat and chaperon - clothes of the mighty, worn by nobles and wealthy merchants.


provide additional carry bulk and look nice
basket pack, back sack, shoulder slung bag, belt quiver, scabbard belt

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