Mod «Decorative Railway Prop» for Rimworld (v1.3)

Decorative Railway Prop

My first attempt at making mods for Rimworld. Purely decorative, as useless useful as myself. Found in Railway tab.

Current contents: rail and sleeper, level crossing signs & flashers, catenary support, handcar, flatcar & pipes on it.

There is NO train, or locomotives yet. I'll gradually add them in the future. For now just lay down the rails and pretend that the next train was delayed by precipitant meteorite shower somewhere on the rim.

If you have a specific model of locomotive you want, preferably simpler ones, please tell me in the comments since I'm not exactly a railfan.

Use Perspective: Buildings to adjust sleepers and to mirror some of the pieces because I am preternaturally lazy.

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pls update v1.4
