Mod «Perspective: Buildings» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

Perspective: Buildings

This mod adds a gizmo to most buildings which allows the player to adjust its position. For example, you can nudge a building down a bit and tuck it behind a wall, giving it a better sense of perspective.

It also allows you to mirror non-rotatable buildings.


This is purely a graphical mod and does not impact the gameplay. It can be added or removed at any time.

The main limitation is that associated objects, like meals on tables, do not respect the offset... At least not yet, I'm still looking into fixing that.

  • Not compatible with Graphic Chair Overhaul (at least for chairs) due to its custom drawing routine.

Harmony required

Version 24.04.23 for RimWorld (v1.3-1.4)

  • - Just some code maintenance. Specifically, converted the code responsible for how the offsets are handled for beds to a transpiler to reduce the overhead by about half.

    Much of this work is just in preparation for a big v2 overhaul of the mod. Stay tuned.


Version 12.10.22 for RimWorld (v1.3-1.4)

  • Updated for RimWorld 1.4 


Version 09.01.22 for RimWorld (v1.2-1.3)



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