Mod «Alpha Prefabs» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Alpha Prefabs

Adds more than 200 Prefab structures that can be bough by the player to create awesome looking colonies.

The more mods the players has, the more prefabs the catalog will contain. For optimal experience, you should use Vanilla Expanded mods, as the majority of prefabs were built around them.


  • Removed Winston Waves rewards, as they are now part of that mod

25.09.24 (1.4-1.5)


02.02.24 (1.4)

Added: Prefab delivery spot. You'll find it in the Misc category, and it allows you to set spots around the map where prefab deliveries will be made. The mod will choose one of the existing spots at random.
Added: Thanks to Izk, the mod now includes integration with the Blueprints mod (forked version). Now if you don't want to outright buy the prefabs you can place them as blueprints, so your colonists have to provide the materials and build them.


27.12.23 (1.4)

- Added: 16 new prefabs
- Tweak: market value of prefab boxes increased to the average value of the structure they contain, so they hopefully play better with quests rewards' values
- Fix: Fixed the gibbet cages in the Morbid temple prefab complaining about dead colonists


13.11.23 (1.4)

Added: mod option to multiply the base value of prefabs, from 0.1x to 3x (default is 0.6x) so player can further customize his experience


03.11.23 (1.4)


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