Mod «More Thrumbos (Continued)» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)

More Thrumbos (Continued)

This is simple mod that adds one animal and all it's products. Thrumbos can arive at your map as reguler one, you can try to get close to it and tame it.

This mod adds:

Ginger Thrumbo

  • Bigger, Stronger, Faster and more resistent.
  • It have specific hediff to be usable as cool GiddyUp War Mount (Thanks Roolo for this great mod :3) if you manage to get your hands on one.
  • It's fur grows much faster then regular Thrumbo and it can be sheared to get wery resistent and valued wool.
  • Females can be milked for high nutrient milk as they have different milk structure then regular Thrumbos. From this milk you can make extremely valued cheese.
  • They can be cool caravan animal too.

Blond Thrumbo

  • Smaller, Faster and more resistent.
  • It have specific hediff to be usable as cool GiddyUp War Mount (Thanks Roolo for this great mod :3) if you manage to get your hands on one.
  • It's fur grows much faster then regular Thrumbo and it can be sheared to get wery nice and valued wool.
  • Females can be milked for high nutrient milk as they have different milk structure then regular Thrumbos. From this milk you can make extremely valued cheese.
  • They can be cool courier animals due to their speed.

Silver Thrumbo

  • Normal size for Thrumbo, this animal is still more resistent and bit faster.
  • It have specific hediff to be usable as cool GiddyUp War Mount (Thanks Roolo for this great mod :3) if you manage to get your hands on one.
  • It's fur grows much bit slower then regular Thrumbo and it can be sheared to get wery nice and wery valued wool. (It have long CD tho so it is not like you will shear it evry day.)
  • Females can be milked for high nutrient milk as they have different milk structure then regular Thrumbos. From this milk you can make extremely valued cheese.
  • They can be nice courier animals due to their speed whlle trading some of it for defense.

Black Thrumbo

  • Enormous size for Thrumbo.
  • Real powerhourse among all of Thrumbos.
  • It have specific hediff to be usable as cool GiddyUp War Mount (Thanks Roolo for this great mod :3) if you manage to get your hands on one.
  • It's fur grows bit faster then regular Thrumbo and it can be sheared to get wery nice and valued wool.
  • Females can be milked for high nutrient milk as they have different milk structure then regular Thrumbos. From this milk you can make extremely valued cheese.
  • They are one of best defensive Thrumbos out there, they are resistent while still keeping decent speed. With these benefits it is also extremely dangerous trying to hunt them down or enrage them.

Bionic Thrumbo

  • Data entry corrupted...

30.06.23 (1.0-1.4)


File info

  • Added by: AtmosCry
  • Author: Mlie
  • Mod version: 27.07.24
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 4.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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pls update


pls add more thrumbos retexture


and update cmon bruh
