Mod «[WW2 Collection] Fliegerfaust A» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

[WW2 Collection] Fliegerfaust A

The Fliegerfaust A was one of the prototype versions of the late war German plans to create personal anti air rocket weapons, which culminated in the Fliegerfaust B. Very few of both were made, so much so that, to our knowledge, only a single Fliegerfaust A was ever found, although there is proof of at least a few Fliegerfaust Bs being used in the battle of Berlin.
The concept of the personal unguided rocket weapon would be later used in the 60's to create the Kowos anti air launcher, which never went past prototype stage


-Damage->300 (~3-4 shots helicopter)
-Loaded ammo->4 rockets

-Thumbnail and UI icons->Erazer

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