Last update: 31.08.22.
Reason: Update mod to version: 31.08.22
Designed and manufactured by German firearms company, Heckler and Koch, chambered in 5.56x45mm, and configured in the JSOC parts kit.
- Performance Friendly
- Minimalist HUD
- Ammo Checking · (Middle Mouse Button) No on screen ammo counter, manually check or reload for the approximate amount of rounds and magazine count
- Inspect · (J)
- Firemodes · (X)
- Attach Suppressor · (Double Tap J) Attach a suppressor to your weapon that saves across matches in your current session
- Flashlight · (Y)
- Melee System · (Left Alt) Seperate melee system that deals damage and knock enemies down depending on the weapon
- Deadzone System
- Fast Reload · (Double Tap R) Fast reload when in a pinch, discards the magazine in the weapon
- Nightvision Aiming · Automatically cants the weapon when using nightvision, includes an IR laser
- Hand Drawn Muzzle Flashes
- Smoke Trails
- Camera Animations
- First Draw
- Prone Animations
and more to come in subsequent weapon releases!
29.08.22 (b.26)
File info
it says another rfc file that has the same name was loaded (can someone help me?)
I am also having the same problem.
bcz you already have mod
U gotta rename the file to HK416 or a random name like even inside the file there is another file that has the same number rename both of them then it should work only if u got build 26
when i open the filed there is only icon and like adobe photoshop?
i have rename it its still doesnt work
Redownload the file, then rename it to something random
not working
can you make one with a silencer and better recoil?
double tap J to equip silencer
Update to the new version, bro