Mod «[Halo Project] UNSC Turrets Pack» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

[Halo Project] UNSC Turrets Pack

Includes most of the UNSC Turrets from the series.


  • M39 Rocket Turret [On Stand or Heavy Mount, 3 shots, Semt-Auto]
  • M41 Vulcan (The warthog Minigun turret) [Automatic]
  • M41 Vulcan Needler [Auto, very weak homing ability]
  • M41 Vulcan Heavy [Auto, Higher Health]
  • M68 Gauss Cannon [Auto, Low fire rate, Magnetic, High Damage]
  • M79 MLRS [Auto or Semi- Auto, 6 Rounds, Lock on missiles]
  • M41 Vulcan Heavy [Automatic, Higher Health]
  • MG AIE-486H (Halo 3 Machine gun) [Automatic]
  • MG M247H (Halo 4 Machine gun) [Automatic]


  • [MLRS, Needler M41] Homing projectiles
  • [Needler M41] Explosion on victim death - close having an 7 hit trigger explosion you can get with Ravenscript without lag.
  • Larger turrets have destructible objects or break apart on destruction.

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