Mod «Su-25SM3 Frogfoot (Russian Air Force)» for Ravenfield (Build 26)

Su-25SM3 Frogfoot (Russian Air Force)
Su-25SM3 Frogfoot

- Length : 15.53 m
- Height : 4.8 m
- Wingspan : 14.36 m
- Maximum speed : Mach 0.79
- G-limit : +6.5
- Crew : 1

- The Sukhoi Su-25 is a Russian subsonicsingle-seattwin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by Sukhoi

- It was designed to provide close air support for Soviet Ground Forces

All versions of the Su-25 have a metal cantilever wing, of moderate sweep, high aspect ratio and equipped with high-lift devices

- The Su-25SM (Stroyevoy Modernizirovannyi) is an "affordable" upgrade programme for the Su-25, conceived by the Russian Air Force in 2000


{Armament Features}

GSh-30-2 (30 mm Gun) : Rate of fire: 1,000~3,000 rounds per minute
(Dual-Barrel Autocannon developed for use on certain ground attack aircraft)

S-13DF (Rocket) : 122mm Calibre Unguided Rocket
(Penetrating hardened aircraft shelters, bunkers and pillboxes)

9K121 Vikhr (AT-16 Scallion) : Anti-Tank Missile
(Russian laser beam riding anti-tank missile)

Kh-29L (AS-14 Kedge) : Air-to-Surface Missile
(The operational range is short (10 km) but it is stronger than AGM-65)

R-73 (AA-11 Archer) : Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile
(It is the Russian counterpart to the American AIM-9 Sidewinder missile)

ECM (Electronic countermeasure) : The system may make many separate targets appear to the enemy, or make the real target appear to disappear or move about randomly

No WPN (Safe) : Repair Tool

[Ground Attack Aircraft]
1. GSh-30-2 (30 mm Gun) x250
2. S-13DF (Rocket) x10
3. 9K121 Vikhr (AT-16 Scallion) x12
4. Kh-29L (AS-14 Kedge) x2
5. R-73 (AA-11 Archer) x2
6. ECM x2
7. No WPN (Repair)
{Important Key}

Flap : Press Kick (V as default) to use (Toggle)

TV Camera Mode : Press Number Pad 1 to use
Mode 1. Auto : To be able to fix the target automatically
Note : Look at the enemy and press T to fix it
Mode 2. Fixed : The TV Camera is fixed in the middle of the HUD
(Please refer to the tutorial video)

Landing Gear : Press Prone (Z as default) to use

-Pilot View Zoom In : Press Sprint (LeftShift as default) to use
-Pilot View Zoom Out : Press Crouch (LeftCtrl as default) to use

MFD Screen Control
Zoom In and Out TV Camera : PressNext / Previous Scope(mouse3 and mouse 4)

Radar Screen
Range Limit : 1400M
Tank, Jeep, Quad : ㅁ
Boat : O

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Great mod, but there is some problem. I can zoom in but can't zoom out pilot view. I can't use tv camera mode just because my laptop doesn't have numpad. In conclsion, please tell me how to change keys, thanks.