The Southern Corvus War - An Centaura Mod for People Playground

The Southern Corvus War - An Centaura Mod

Basically paraphrased but in the 1880s, on the continent of Centaura, a nation going by the name of Cetus swiftly conquered and stole the Southern Corvus region (part of, you guessed it, Corvus), to the surprise and dismay to the Corvuns. Why so? It's a VERY important region holding several important sources of iron, coal and other goodies. Two decades, mines were create to exploit these sources of resources, and it just so happened that the Corvuns were having a shortage of coal, so the Cetan sold (originally Corvun) coal to Corvus.
In 1908, the Corvuns were fed up with their own land remaining in Cetan hands, and invaded. Trenches and the such were made, preventing any major gains and it turned into a stalemate in 1909. In 1911, the stalemate was broken when the nations of Corvus and Antares (not portrayed in game as of writing this) cooperated and invaded on the north and south, overrunning the Cetans and destroying the nation.

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