S-400 triumph for People Playground

s-400 triumph

Anti-aircraft missile system of object air defense / anti-aircraft missile system with means of detection, coordination and targeting. The development of the S-300PM3 / S-400 air defense system was started by NPO Almaz / GSKB Almaz-Antey (General Designer - A.Lemansky) during the development of the S-300 air defense system family in 1986 (source). The system differs from previous generations by its large capabilities in terms of the size of the air defense zone, the types of targets being hit, and provides interaction with the air defense complexes of previous generations. The ZRS uses rockets developed by the MKB "Torch". Serial production of missiles for the S-300 and S-400 systems in 2010-2012 was carried out by MMZ Avangard

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Imagenice mod love it!
