Apex Legends for People Playground

Apex Legends

This mod will add a bunch of stuff from Apex Legends! Namely: All legends, All weapons, a huge number of minor environment items, healing, relics, rp things.

This mod adds a bunch of features. For example, the abilities of some legends! Namely: Valkyrie with her unique ability to fly with her jetpack and launch rockets with her rocket launcher attached to the jetpack! Or Crypto, who has a drone that you can launch and use it to create an EMP explosion! or Octane`s launch pud, or lifeline`s drone, or a sheila machine gun...

Also in the mod is a special Apex menu, which contains all the information about the mod. About the lore component of the game, the functions of the mod.

Required: MPW library


  • D.O.C. Functionality
  • Now, if the D.O.C. is activated, it releases a tube that attaches to the damaged body part to stop the bleeding.
  • Added animation of the blue fire that comes from D.O.C. active engines
  • Added categories to MPW settings
  • New setting: consumables disappear after use
  • SA moved to MPW

  • D.O.C. texture has been changed.
  • Lifeline texture has been changed.
  • New menu icon.

  • Medical gun does not disappear after use.
  • Bug: Unknown symbol in the description of Crypto in info menu.

31.03.23 (1.26)


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