PPG Hospital for People Playground

PPG Hospital

Welcome to PPG Hospital, this is a very advanced hospital used to treat the worst kinds of injuries.

The hospital has enough space for 5 patients(there are 5 wheel beds).

The first floor has an ambulance that can pick up patients, and an operation area where most operations are done.

The operation area has easy access to blood tanks, and lots of syringes. It has an automatic defibrillator too.

The second floor has a storage area that stores extra cardiopulmonary bypass machines, and one-wheeled wheel chairs. On the other end of the floor there is a basic patient room.

3rd floor: basic patient room.

4th floor: basic patient room, and a office.

The 5th floor has a lab room that can check what liquids contain and duplicate liquids. The lab room also has tritium syringes which are very useful in some cases. 5th floor has another basic patient room also.

The 6th floor has a laser operation room that is used for laser removal of limbs. A reconstructor is also stored there. The 6th floor also has another basic patient room, and just above that there is a limb crusher, for crushing limbs that cant be used anymore. Last the 6th floor has a heli-jet flying ambulance that can fly long distances to pick up patients.

Good to know:

1: The ambulance is controlled by the 4 lagboxes infront of the driver.

2:the wheel beds are controlled by the 2 small lagboxes next to the heart rate monitor. The blue lights on the beds indicate which direction it is going.

3: the wheel chairs are controlled by the lagboxes behind it.

4: the elevators are controlled by just activating the industrial pistons above them.

5: the laser cutting device is controlled by the lagbox in the laser operation room. The laser must always be turned off before pressing the button, or else the guy wont really like it..

6: the limb crusher is controlled by the lagbox next to it. it may take several attempts to crush limbs.

The heli-jet ambulance is controlled by the 2 small lagboxes in the cockpit, and furthermore controlled in air by the keys Y, U and I.

I is pressed when you want to fly up, and pressed again to start going down.

Y is pressed when you want to fly to the left, and pressed again when you dont want to keep going left.

U is pressed when you want to fly to the right and pressed again when you dont want to keep going right.

File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: Nolimo
  • Mod version: 02.03.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 0.3 mb
  • Source: Go to
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