Mod «MI2: Generic» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.7.1)

MI2: Generic

Included in this mod are uniforms for the base generic game models (African, Asian, European, Middle Eastern, South American) plus a few extra specific very generic nations (Arabian nations, Himalayan nations).

This mod is the key to all other MI2 mods, as it holds all of the small arms models and graphics, as well as the SPEC and NORMAL for all models in all other mods, so this one is a required base for all of the other mods to use.

This mod is fully compatible with Road to 56.

Weaponry and Uniforms:

  • Basic:
    • (Great War Rifle) Mauser 98 (most nations armed with mausers)
    • (Interwar Rifle) vz.24 Mauser (most nations armed with mausers)
    • (Submachine gun) MP-28
    • (Semi-Automatic Rifle) FN49 (some use ZH-29)
    • (Assault Rifle) FNFAL *Road to 56 only
  • European uniforms are based upon a generic French-Belgian. The Adrian helmet was the most widely exported helmet of the time, found just about everywhere.
  • African uniforms are based upon a generic Ethiopian as well as British Commonwealth.
  • Asian uniforms are based upon the Ski-hat equipped Chinese uniform (most common uniform of China).
  • Middle Eastern uniforms are based upon the Iranian uniform of the time.
  • South American uniforms are based upon the common peaked cap of the time.
  • Himalayan uniforms are based upon Tibetan uniforms.

List of additional mods:

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