Mod «Old World Blues: Unity in Texas» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.14)

Old World Blues: Unity in Texas

In the heart of the Texan Wastes lies the bombed-out city of Austin. Though it's taken centuries to reel from the fire and savagery of the great war, the city has bounced back to the edge of civilization with the most unlikely of occupants: Super Mutants. Under their mayor, a mutant named Keats, Austin's mixed population of Humans and Mutants has managed to coexist in a way that hasn't been successfully replicated anywhere else on the continent. But with traditionalist mutant generals marching east, rising Texan nationalism among the urban populations, and a host of looming threats from Mexico, can Keats preserve his Unity's future, or will Austin burn bright once more?


☢️ Sign on with the long-awaited Provisional Republic of Texas, secure your place in the state's future, and run for office with the greenest mayor around!

☢️ Remain friends with Texas while defending their southern flank from the Mexican hordes!

☢️ Let Unity be guided by Strength, conquer Texas, and bring peace and civilization to the wastes with an army to rival the Master's at your back!

☢️ Let Unity be guided by Peace, bring the span of Texas under your wings, and grow Texas into a garden worth admiring!

☢️ Let Unity be guided by Balance, unify Texas by peace when possible and force when necessary, and fulfill Austin's rightful destiny as the beating heart of a more perfect union to inspire the world!

☢️ Or break the status quo, side with the Lieutenant-Turned-General, blow that dumb look right of Keats' stupid face, and take on Texas with someone who deserves it!


???? Two Fully Fleshed-Out Focus Trees
???? 400+ Focuses
???? 250+ Events
???? 25+ Decisions
???? 100+ National Spirits
???? Roughly 10 years of in-game content!
???? Custom Art—brought to you by Tubeheads Entertainment!
???? A custom endgame crisis; you will reap what you sow!
???? February 26th, 2284!
???? And a few secrets for the adventurous!


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