Mod «Historical Leaders Replacement Events [submod]» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.12)

Historical Leaders Replacement Events [submod]

STRONGLY RECOMMANDED TO USE THIS SUBMOD ALONGSIDE my other submod "Historical Portraits [submod] - more leaders", for having the appropriate leaders accordingly with the political parties renamed in it.

More precisely, some parties have been renamed to match the replaced/added leaders of the portraits submod.

This submod makes vanilla historical leaders from the 1939 start replacing the leaders of 1936 start during the game, throught events, at the correct dates. You always have the possibility to refuse the replacement. The historical AI will choose it. The mod is intended to make the AI evolving with its historical characters.

This mod will not work if historical focuses are set OFF. With a start in 1939, it's a non sense to use it and it would cause several unknown and unintended distorsions or anachronies.

Mod’s main changes

Currently, the mod brings leaders replacement for

  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Iraq
  • Luxemburg
  • Mongolia
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • South Africa
  • Uruguay

*Siam is excluded due to conflicts with vanilla events.

Leaders replacement of different party of the same category.

When an event happens and brings a new leader linked with another historical party, the mod replaces the vanilla name of this party with the historical one. For example, when Pedro Aguirre Cerda (Chile) comes to power, the vanilla democratic party is renamed « Partido Radical ».

Parties names.

Renamed parties from "Historical Portraits [submod] - more leaders" are included into this mod for making them compatible.
Complete list of changes here.

Events happens accordingly to the real historical leader replacement date. For example, Jan Smuts took the lead of South Africa the 5 september 1939. In game, you can expect to see an event appearing around this date that will propose you to replaceing the current leader.
sources: Character's Wikipedia pages.

Events always give two options:

  • Option 1: replacement of the actual leader by the leader of the 1939 start (historic choice).
  • Option 2: keep your actual leader.

The AI, set on historical focuses on, will always choose the option 1.

Events will always give you a little text, introducing a brief history content concerning the nature of leaders replacement.

Requires the mod Historical Portraits.

File info

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