Mod «The Gates of Versailles» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.15.1)

The Gates of Versailles

The Gates of Versailles is a mod based on the scenario that The Napoelonic Wars end in a Stalemate.

The Gates of Versailles, a mod based around the idea 'What if the Napoleonic Wars ended in a stalemate?'. The point of divergence is when the Battle of Trafalgar proved indecisive, and later France gets bogged down in the Peninsula War. The Napoleonic Wars end with France having to retreat from it's Central European territories, like the Illyrian Provinces, Poland and Eastern Germany, but it still keeps the Confederation of the Rhine and its holdings in the low countries. A whole century of history later and we find ourselves in 1914, when the Great War has just begun. The entente consiting of France, Russia and the United Kingdom face off against the Central Powers which includes Prussia, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the United States. The entente narrowly wins the war, with the help of a good defense around the Rhine and British commonwealth troops. Now in 1936 the world is about to be set ablaze. Prussia is preparing to unify Germany into one state. Russia is at a crossroads of complete degeneracy and a democracy. Like Prussia, Italy is heading the unification of Italy under Mussolini. The king of the Untied Kingdom, George V, is dying and whoever his heir may be will change the future of the United Kingdom. The boy emperor of France, Napoleon VI, has shown little interest in politics, but has expressed interest in a modern reconquest of Europe. The following years will decide the future of Europe. Will France fall into the annals of history like empires of yonder, or will Europe be under the napoleonic fist again?

What countries are Playable?

The current playable countries are: Prussia, France, Russia, United Kingdom, Italy, United States and New South Wales as of 0.2

  • Update

Version 20.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.4)

  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't send any volunteers, due to Paradox changing the GUI about it


Version 15.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.3)

  • The mod is now compatible with the Arms Against Tyranny DLC and the Stella Polaris update: MiO's and International Market are now here! (note for the MiO: All countries have vanilla MiO's rn, we will add unique one to countries during the next few patches for 0.2
  • Most Duplicate Localisation have been fixed


Version 27.09.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.12)

  • Change the map slightly in China
  • New portraits for Edouard Daladier (FRA), George V (ENG), Henrique I (LUS), Alexander I (FRK), Umberto I (NAP), Philippe Petain (FRA), Maurice Thorez (FRA), Maurice Gamelin (FRA)
  • Add scripted events for new monarchs for Lusitania and Frankfurt, when their current ones died historically
  • Fixed a bug where Coolidge Mechanic would still continue with 1940 Presidents
  • Fixed the Mackenzie Impeachment: Fixed a bug where you could both won and loose this impeachment at the same time
  • The Mackenzie Impeachment has been tweaked: It doesn't end as soon as you reach 67% of the Congress Support anymore, but would end after some time. Time for the impeachment went up for 45 to 60 days
  • Para has been renamed to Minas Gerais
  • In the important country screen, Italy doesn't have one of the vanilla ideas
  • Fixing some Typos here and there
  • Added some short events writing for Mackenzie's America
  • Fix an error in the localisation files concerning Custom Costs for decisions, it would create absurd amounts of errors
  • Modernize some of the US code to use the character system instead of the old way of doing country leaders in the code
  • Changes Mackenzie King Vice-President to be Cordell Hull instead of Alf Landon, for more coherence when he get Impeached


Version 14.05.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.12)

  • Rework railways, supply hubs and states in China
  • New portrait for Zaifeng (QNG), Sun Wen (SHU), Amedeo II (GRE), Fuad I (EGY)
  • The event Fall of Paris and the decision Invade Central Germany now gives cores on more German states
  • erf the manpower the national spirits of RAJ and MAL to nerf recruitable population factor
  • Move the capital of French Indochina from Hanoi to Saigon
  • Infantry technology now unlocks tank equipment modules
  • Improve the AI
  • MAL and RAJ cannot switch from volunteer only
  • Remove duplicate San Antonio in state 834
  • All Russian Air Force, Navy and Army foci have been shortened to 28 days, and all Economic foci have been shortened to 35 days
  • Add a scripted peace deal for the Russian-Polish war
  • Nerf the Consumer Goods modifier of the American Big Business national spirit
  • The decisions for the "Investment in the Americas" decision category can now only be done once
  • Fix minor localisation errors
  • Add bypass triggers for the Hull focus "As Europe Burns"
  • The focus "Scramble for Austria" for PRS now grants cores to the nations it puppets
  • Remove the event "The Bohemian Lands" for PRS as it is obsolete with the Scramble for Austria focus
  • The random chance percentages for the "Local Banditry" decisions for SOV can no longer have absurd values
  • The focus for "Convert the Colonies" for ENG now has one of the previous foci instead of both
  • Polish AI now puts more divisions on the Russian and Prussian/German front
  • The victory point "Biarritz" has been renamed to "Agen" and the victory point in province 743 with no localisation before has been named BIarritz
  • Fix numerous localisation key issues
  • Improve the AI for Hindustan, Awadh and Sindh
  • Improve the AI for Mexico and its puppets
  • The generic focus tree now correctly gives doctrine research reduction
  • Nerf the focus "Moscow-Vladivostok Railway" to not grant any state 2 infrastructure
  • Rename all localisation instances of Vladivostok to Haishanwei
  • Add an automated peace deal for the Junta Wars
  • All of the Juntas in the Junta Wars now have cores on all of Poyais' states
  • Fix the localisation for the event "The Land of Opportunity" for NSW
  • The decision "Occupation of France" transfers Catalonia to occupied France if it is owned by Prussia
  • Fix the event "The Russians Decline" for Hull's acquisition of Russian America
  • Fix the reaction buttons for the news events "A Coup in the United States?" and "Coup Crushed in the USA"
  • Remove all localisation and code instances of the old Theocracy and Nazbol ideologies
  • Fix events relating to Coolidge's trial of the people involved with the Business Plot
  • Nerf the decision "Purchase Weapons" for PRS to give fewer guns and support equipment
  • Rename some Indian strategic regions and rework the Burma strategic region
  • The event and portrait for Shivaji VII for MAH has been fixed
  • Minor fix for the localisation of the American colonies
  • The Congo Free State no longer has an upcoming election
  • Add skills to admirals for ENG
  • Nerf the decision "Invest in Berlin Roads" for PRS
  • Rename state 694 from "French Caribbean" to "British Antilles"
  • Add effects to the focus "End Colonial Territories" for FRA
  • Add several new focus requirements to the French economic focus tree
  • Removed the Nouvelle-Hollande tree (for some reason it was there with only economic focuses)
  • Change the conditions for some French focuses in order to not be blocked anymore


Version 02.05.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.12)

  • The Oriental Dependency subject type no longer transfers civilian and military factories to the overlord
  • The focus "Warm Water Ports" for Prussia has changed requirements and the effect transfers the state to PRS now
  • The national spirit "The Schleswig-Holstein Question" for Denmark now cancels if they do not own Schleswig-Holstein
  • The national spirit "Norwegian Seperatism" for Denmark now cancels if they do not own Norway
  • The focus "Invade Iraq" now has appropriate requirements
  • Change the industry in several states in China
  • Change cores and claims in Mongolian states
  • Fix the Rush Mexico strategy mission for GNAW such that the correct event fires
  • New portrait for Franz von Papen (PRS)
  • Remove legacy Chinese code
  • Nerf the forts in Flanders
  • Fix the "We Are All Germans" focus for PRS such that it gives cores on more states
  • Fix the "Scramble for Austria" focus for PRS such that there are now requirements and more arguments are used in code
  • Fix the French foci regarding going to war with BEL and HOL such that they will be bypassed if the nations in questions do not exist
  • Fix the doctrine cost modifier for several national spirit such that they are correct
  • Fix the event "Fight for Europe, or Fight for America?" for Hull such that the tooltips are correct
  • Fix localisation regarding stats for equipment and tech
  • Remove some events for USA regarding the AALPC and border raids
  • Change the effect of "The Roosevelt Doctrine"
  • Add localisation for "PRS_foreign_interventions" and "PRS_invade_central_germany"`
  • The introduction event from France about the Confederation of the Rhine shouldn't trigger anymore
  • When failing a bill, you should be able to continue in the focus tree and not being blocked anymore
  • When Mexico capitulate during the war, even with Plan North enacted, it ends the war and give the event "The Eagle Triumphant", as a counterpart, the surrender progress Mexico need for the plan South has been reduce from 85% to 60%
  • Remove the variable of AALPC support
  • Changes the last focus from Roosevelt's Focus Tree, removing the no-loc event
  • Removed all the AALPC event that possess no localization whatsoever (they will be reintroduce with the SLL update)
  • Removes the focus background


Version 29.04.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.12)


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why not work


update to 1.12.14 please
