Mod «Regional Puppet Governments» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.3)

Regional Puppet Governments

This modification allows an individual to install puppet governments in certain regions of the world. The player must first control the territories corresponding to the certain regional puppet. Afterwards, using the mechanics from La Resistance a collaboration government can be created through decisions. If you don't own La Resistance it will work as well, but it will not change colors and contain the adjective of your nation. I did not want to use cosmetic tags in order to keep the compatibility with other major modifications. The flags I used for many of the puppets are for the time-being and this mod is subject to constant change.

What are the current Regional Puppet Governments

- Anglo-Celtic Isles - D20
- Baltic - D21
- Danubia - D22
- Germany - D23
- Iberia - D24
- Benelux - D25
- North Germany - D27
- Scandinavia - D28
- South Germany - D29
- Greece-Turkey - D30
- Arabia - D31
- Indochina - D32
- Indonesia - D33
- Finland - D34
- Transcaucasia - D35
- Northeastern U.S. - D36
- Southeastern U.S - D37
- Midwestern U.S - D38
- Southwestern U.S - D39
- Interior Western U.S - D40
- Pacific U.S - D41
- Quebec - D42
- Eastern Provinces - D43
- Western Provinces - D44
- Central America - D45
- Andes - D46
- East Africa - D47

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