A weapon that really doesn't make any sense at all but damn does it feel good to use.
The main point of making this was to create a weapon framework for my and other people's future projects. If focuses on ease of use and speed. While this isn't meant to be treated as a template, meaning that I do not support rips in which only small aspects are changed, the LnL framework is now available on github
So the story behind this weapon is that I didn't know if I wanted to make it a break action or a pump action. So I decided to make a model that supported both and I could choose later. But then I realized that I also had a kind of lever looking part where the trigger was. So to give some more animation and moving parts, I accidentally made it lever action as well. At this point I realized that I now have 3 different loading parts in the weapon. So I added a clip to top it off.
So now the weapon works like this:
The folding of the weapon is now just for compact storage, but when cycling the bullets if it's folded then it doesn't go back into the clip and just falls out.
File info
Dont working error in script LnL.lua 112
return player_selected_tool == tool.id, GetBool('game.player.canusetool')