ВАЗ Лада 2110 Богдан / VAZ Lada 2110 Bogdan for Teardown

ВАЗ Лада 2110 Богдан / VAZ Lada 2110 Bogdan

All parts in the machines are opening

List of complete sets:
- Lada 2110 Bogdan
- Lada 2110 Bogdan 2312 Commercial
- Lada 2110 Dirty
- Lada 2110 Taxi
- Lada 2110 Police
- Lada 21108 Premier
- Lada 21109 Consul
- Lada 2110 Pilgrim
- Lada 2110 Marina
- Lada 2110 Lukoil №1
- Lada 2110 Lukoil №8
- Lada 2111
- Lada 2111-90 Tarzan-2
- Lada 2112
- Lada 21123 Coupe
- Lada 2112 RTCC
- Lada 2112-90 Tarzan-2



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