AI Trainer for Teardown

AI Trainer

A template for Machine Learning. This example lets you train a Neural Network using a Genetic Algorithm.

You have no idea what those words mean? Don't worry you can still try to stick an AI on various objects and attempt to train them to perform basic tasks with this mod :p You will have to be patient though, it can take a lot of time for it to learn any interesting behavior...

- AI Trainer: You can attach AIs to objects and train them to perform a given task.

[LeftClick]: Attach/Detach AI to object.
[MiddleClick]: Copy AI from object.
[X]: Activate/Deactivate AI on object.
[C]: Apply current AI and objective to all existing AIs.
[R]: Start/Stop training.
[E]: Pause/Resume training.
[K]: Remove all AIs.
[O]: Options.

- You can only attach an AI to a free floating object.
- There are tree objective you can train your AI to do:
-- Balancing itself on a corner
-- Following the player
-- Avoiding nearby objects
- Pick the objective you want in the options, only one objective can be learnt at a time.
- The AIs only control objects by applying rotation speed to them, so if the object you try to control is already under the effect of some other script that prevent it from rotating, then the AIs from this mod won't be able to do anything to it.
- The "AI" used in this mod is a neural network that you can train to perform various tasks (only one task at a time though).
- The training method used is a Genetic Algorithm, which reproduces the rules of natural selection to find the best specimens in a group.
- There is another optimization method called gradient descent that you can enable on top of the genetic algorithm to try and get good results faster (enabled by default).
- Each neural network structure is suited for a given objective, so you need to ensure they match in the options when you change objective (an error is displayed if they don't match).
- A starting population of 20 should be good (or down to 10 if you get low FPS).
- With the default settings it can take up to 400 generations to start getting good results.
- You may want to make some free space around the learning objects and make sure they are not stuck (objects in water will train badly except for balance objective).
- You may want to train the objects on flat ground to avoid learning weird behavor due to the terrain slopes or being stopped by walls (except for avoid objective).

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