Armed Vehicles Framework (AVF) AI for Teardown

Armed Vehicles Framework (AVF) AI

Armed Vehicle Framework (AVF) AI Expansion

The AVF AI Expansion adds additional functionality to the Armed Vehicle Framework by El Boydo. One major benefit of integrating with this system, means that it functions for every AVF vehicle built to date.

The Armed Vehicle Framework, also called AVF, is a Teardown framework that enables player controlled turrets and weapons on vehicles or static weapons.


  • Target acquisition: Armed vehicles will attempt to locate a target on the opposing team, upon locating them, they will begin to hunt down their target.
  • Target memory: Tanks have a limited memory of their targets, and will acquire a different one if they can't detect them for long enough
  • Movement AI: Tanks will attempt to close the gap to drill into their target. Comes complete with path-finding implementation.
  • A configuration tool: A powerful tool allows players to bring any AVF vehicle to life, through a simple leftclick/rightclick method to set teams.


  1. Select the "AVF AI Config" Tool from the tool menu
  2. Look at the chassis (lower, driveable portion) of the vehicle you'd like to set the team of
  3. Set the vehicle to Opposing forces (Left Click) or Blue forces (Right Click)
  4. Watch the vehicles begin fighting eachother

File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: Z-Dev
  • Mod version: 02.11.22
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 18.2 mb
  • Source: Go to
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