Mod «Animated Saurian Portraits» for Stellaris (v3.4.*)

Animated Saurian Portraits

Dinosaurs! This mod adds animated Saurian portraits and a few flag icons. Still quite WIP, I'm just getting started getting my head around modding. I plan to continue to update this mod with more dino portraits in the future! Shouldn't have any compatability issues.

Four fully animated Saurian portraits, each with at least three color variants and some slight gender variation.
Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Dilophosaurus and Machine Allosaurus.

Skull flag icons for each species and a skeletal dino claw flag icon.

Known issues:
- The machine portrait does not currently have much Synthetic Dawn functionality. You can create and play as a machine empire using the portrait without issue but it only has machine pop functionality, not robot pop, so you cannot currently use the portrait for Synthetic Evolution.

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