Mod «Guilli's Planet Modifiers and Features» for Stellaris (v3.7.*)

Guilli's Planet Modifiers and Features
What does this mod add?

Planet Modifiers and Features (deposits)

  • 300+ Unique planet modifiers for planets, habitats, ringworlds, machine worlds, hive worlds, relic worlds, and so on!
  • Secret and rare precursor planet modifiers.
  • Unique and powerful Fallen Empire planet modifiers, only found on their planets!
  • 100+ Planetary features with unique graphics, linked to planet modifiers or events
  • Several cool new blockers
  • Planet modifiers also appear on Barren, Frozen, Toxic and Molten worlds and Gas Giants. As well as asteroids, suns, and other celestial bodies.
  • Several New planet modifier border colours! (grey, blue, purple, pink,..)
  • 28 new reclics
  • tons of exploration, colony other events!

Starting Menu

  • A handy starting menu allowing you to pick just how many planet modifiers planets should have and has options to turn parts of the mod off.

New policy: Surveying Policy

  • Set how thorough your science ships survey worlds


  • Unique leviathan "The living Planet" with a special reward. Leviathan DLC required for this to show up.
  • Several new anomaly events.
  • 50+ new "discovery!" events. Small event telling you discovered something interesting!
  • 40+ new colony events based on planet modifiers found on the world.
  • Unique capital event chains based on your ethics choice rewarding a capital planet modifier. (to be redone)
  • New planet interactions with the crisis events. Bombarding infested worlds or worlds bombarded by the unbidden can turn into molten/frozen/barren/nuked worlds. Each can then roll new planet modifiers fitting them.


  • 28 new relics can be found from exploration
  • Most relics have matching Casus Belli and wargoals and matching war names
  • The AI really wants your relics, fight then for it! And steal theirs in the process!

Armies, Buildings, Components, Ships, Traits

  • Several new armies that can be recruited from planets with specific planet modifiers.
  • Several new buildings can be unlocked providing you discover how
  • 2 unique components can be unlocked from discoveries
  • 2 unique event ships van be gained from discovering rare worlds
  • Several new traits were added. They can be unlocked from discoveries or gained from events


  • Shielded world graphics for specific planet modifiers
  • Solar systems are spiced up with debris in precursor systems
  • A unique shipyard star model for precursor shipyards (not a megastructure)

Wondrous Planets

How it works:

At the start of the game, up to one planet of each planet type will be chosen as a wondrous planet. This planet will have unique planetary features on it that provide very large bonuses! Once you have surveyed and discovered a planet like this (or the AI has), the planet name will change to a different colour.

Discovery! Events

How it works:

When your science ships survey a planet and discover a special modifier on that planet an event will pop up telling you about it. This only happens the first time you discover this modifier. You will have the option to spend some influence to tell your scientist to take another look for extra rewards.

Colony Events

How it works:

Over 40 mini colony events have been added that can trigger after you have colonized a world with this mod's modifiers. Several capital event chains to do with your ethic choices have also been added.

Terraforming Interaction

How it works:

  • Terraforming cleans up planet modifiers and has a chance to roll new good ones
    When you terraform a planet the following will happen:
  • Most bad negative modifiers will be removed (where it makes sense)
  • Precursor modifiers will NOT be removed
  • Planet wonders will be removed.
  • The newly terraformed planet has a chance to roll new flavour or positive modifiers. Flavour modifiers have a grey border and are just there for story/lore or roleplay.
  • Turning a planet into a Machine World will remove most modifiers and roll unique machine world modifiers.

== General ==

  • Slighly reduced the number of mineral and energy space deposits
  • Improved the blocker & feature spawning on Ancient Archaeopolises
  • Significantly reduced the bonuses from precursor planet features (deposits)
  • Reduced the chance for precursor modifiers to spawn on habitable worlds, they were a little too common

== Buildings & Districts ==

  • Improved the manufactorium building for machine and hive empires so it now gives an alloy bonus
  • Increased the cost and reduced the producton of Archaeopolis Manufacturing and Power districts. -They are very OP!
  • Removed the text mentioning an unclearable archaeology blocker on the Archaeopolis Science District

== Modding ==

  • Replaced all is_country_type = fallen empire & awakaned fallen empire checks with the is_fallen_empire trigger
  • Replaced all is_country_type = default checks with a new trigger: gpm_is_country_type_default
  • Replaced all is_country_type = awakened_fallen_empire with a new trigger: gpm_is_country_type_awakened_fallen_empire

== Events ==

  • Significantly reduced the chance of finding precursor empire bonuses. They are powerful and should be fairly rare.
  • Slightly reduced the chance of getting special precursor rewards such as precursor techs and minor artifacts from dig sites
  • Slightly reduced the chance of getting precursor techs from reverse engineering minor artifacts

Version 01.03.22 for Stellaris (v3.3.*)


File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: Guilliman
  • Mod version: 19.03.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 168.6 mb
  • Source: Go to
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