Mod «Fleet Transfer Mod» for Stellaris (v3.7.*)

Fleet Transfer Mod

You have an outdated, extra fleet and you don’t know where to put it, and disband or modify is stingy?
Your vassals suffer from internal feuds or external threats and they lack the fleet, and to solve their problems yourself - laziness?

You want to covertly help another empire without getting directly involved in a conflict?
You have energy credits but you don’t have the capacity or time to build a fleet?
Or you just dreamed of creating a military mega-corporation producing weapons for sale?

This mod allows you to transfer or SELL fleets between players and AI.

You can sell fleets for different types of resources: energy credits, minerals, food, consumer goods, alloys.
Also, the mod automatically calculates the market price of the fleets and gives price options to the player to choose for sale, in percentage terms - from a symbolic amount to brazen robbery.

The process of selling or transferring a fleet is very simple:

You must direct the fleet that you want to sell to the recipient territory, and then activate the decree “Fleet transfer menu”.

After what the fleet sale menu appears. And if all the conditions for the sale are met, you are free to set a price for the fleet.

Necessary conditions for the sale of the fleet:

  • The fleet must be in the territory of the one with whom diplomatic relations are established, and with whom the transmitter has no war;
  • Recipient - ordinary empire (not Fallen empires, Caravanes etc.);
  • The fleet is not command by admiral;
  • And also the Colossus cannot be transfer to someone who already has it.

Possible questions:

If I get a fleet with components that I have not yet learned, do I get them automatically?"

No, these components still need to be studied for installation on your ships.
(And if you modify ships that have components better than you have studied, you will get a downgrade!!!)

"Why it is not allowed transfer or sell transport ships with armies?"

At the moment, the transfer of transport ships is bugged.

Until a solution is found - transport ships with armies is not transmitted.

  • Update to game version 3.7.*

Version 21.03.20 for Stellaris (v2.8.*)


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