Mod «[SPK] Additional Vanilla Crafting» for Rimworld (v1.1 - 1.4)

[SPK] Additional Vanilla Crafting

Simple mod that adds the ability to produce some trader only materials in a vanilla friendly manner, no additonal workbenches just basic recipes and research.

Additional Vanilla Crafting
Currently adds the ability to craft synthread, hyperweave, plasteel, neutroamine, luciferium and glitterworld medicine. Balance is open to suggestions, but I think I've struck a reasonable balance for most of these. I still find quests and traders important for keeping things topped up in late game and for getting an early footing before you get to the research projects. I took some creative liberties with the recipes and dependancies for a lot of these things to keep them as vanilla as possible.

-Created at a fabrication bench.
-Requires only cloth and a crafting skill of 8.
-Made to be a straight upgrade from cloth for the late game, useful if producing devilstrand is difficult or if you just fancy a different colour since the stats of both are very close.
-30 cloth produces 10 synthread. Research dependancy: fabrication. Research cost: 2000.
-Production is very slow to balance with ease of materials

-Created at a fabrication bench.
-Requires devilstrand, plasteel and a crafting skill of 10.
-Hyperweave is an incredibly complex material and requires the advanced tools and precision afforded by the fabrication bench.
-20 devilstrand + 10 plasteel produces 10 hyperweave. Research dependancies: devilstrand and advanced fabrication. Research cost: 4000.
-Faster to produce than synthread but less accessible materials.

-Created at a fabrication bench.
-Requires steel, chemfuel and a crafting skill of 10.
-Production is relatively quick (compared to some other mods) but advanced fabrication requirement does raise the barrier for entry.
-50 steel + 20 chemfuel produces 40 plasteel. Research depandancy: fabrication. Research cost: 4000.
-Not too difficult to produce overall, but steel can be difficult to keep topped up late game and renewable chemfuel does require a decent cattle of boom-animals.

Medical stuff all requires intellectual skill because the vanilla medicine requires it. Yell at Tynan, not me.

-Created at a drug lab.
-Requires psychoid leaves, herbal medicine and an intellectual skill of 8.
-5 psychoid leaves + 1 herbal medicine produces 1 neutroamine. Research dependancies: psychite refining and medicine production. Research cost: 2000.
-Also includes a vanilla style x4 bulk recipe.

-Created at a drug lab
-Requires psychoid leaves, neutroamine, plasteel, 1 advanced component and an intellectual skill of 10.
-This took a little thought. The advanced component represents the mechanite portion of luciferium. This is traded off by being a bulk recipe by default.
-20 psychoid leaves + 10 neutroamine + 2 plasteel + 1 advanced component produces 10 luciferium. Research dependancy: neutroamine synthesis (added by this mod). Research cost: 4000.
-No bulk recipe as it is bulk by default.

Glitterworld Medicine
-Created at a drug lab
-Requires medicine, neutroamine and luciferium and an intellectual skill of 12.
-Gives luciferium an additional purpose over just being 'the devil's bargain'
-5 neutroamine + 1 medicine + 1 luciferium produces 1 glitterworld medicine. Research dependancy: luciferium synthesis (added by this mod). Research cost: 6000.
-Also has a vanilla style x4 bulk recipe

My own headcanon is used for this entire mod, I do think it is relatively fair following vanilla restrictions without adding additional items and steps to the processes. No I'm not a chemistry student or anything even close so if this grinds your gears then accept my apologies in advance!

Synthread - my idea is that cloth is woven at a molecular level into a lattice structure to increase strength while retaining it's flexibility and light weight. This precision of course requires the fabcrication table with it's extreme precision (since it is used to make components).
Hyperweave - molecules of devilstrand and plasteel are fused carefully imbuing the properties of both materials. Advanced fabrication requirement is assuming that advanced fabrication would teach your pawns more than just plain advanced components, and would additionally teach them even deeper knowledge of utilising the fabrication bench.
Plasteel- steel gets molecularly restructured or something along those lines. Think how steel is made from iron in reality. That's the kinda thought process this is approached with. Chemfuel is added to strip away impurities from the steel to create that sweet sweet blue tint of pure, uh.. purity?
Neutroamine- fairly straightforward idea that further extrapolates yet more uses from psychoid. Herbal medicine added primarily for balance reasons, but also for whatever mystical chemicals it contains.
Luciferium- this was tricky straight up due to what luciferium is described as. It's literally microscopic little robots. I took the liberty of using an advanced component here, which serves as the programmable mechanites and some plasteel because, yolo. More psychoid because I saw another mod do it and you can't tell me what to do. Don't forget more neutroamine for good measure, because at this point our pawns should just be swigging that stuff down to treat infections, honestly.
Glitterworld Medicine - it's medicine with luciferium and even more neutroamine (I know right?). The mechanites in the luciferium are trained to rely on the neutroamine. When the neutroamine runs dry (when the medicine has completed it's job) then those mechanites perish and are expelled however our pawns expel things.

There shouldn't be any problems as it is a very simple XML mod.

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