Mod «Ilya Tech - Core» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)

Ilya Tech - Core

Greetings, I am Suvi Ilya Dragunova

Founder of the still developing Ilya Tech. At Ilya tech we strive to promise safety to our clients, to provide protection to our people and our borders through our weapons, to provide combat power to our users, and give them the strength and will to fight. This mod aims to integrate Gjallarian Style content into rimworld providing an out of this rimworld experience and textures.

Strong, Safe, Powerful, and Beautiful Tech.

Ilya Tech has powerful combat capabilities, we always prioritize our people/client's safety providing defensive and protective assets, and ensure a aesthetically pleasing experience.

Ilya Tech's Basic high tech nano fabrication bench, complete with nanites and gjallarian tech nano electronics.

  • Altair - Grenade Launcher Nest
    - Provides 95% cover effectiveness
    - Manned, and uses HE - Cartridges Ammunition ( Crafted at Nano Assembler )
  • Eclaire - Heavy Armor Penetrating Machine Gun Nest
    - Provides 95% cover effectiveness
    - Manned, and uses AP - Catridges Ammunition ( Crafted at Nano Assembler )
  • Heavy Armored Barricade 1x1 / 2x1
    - Armored : Blunt, Heat, Sharp
    - 1x1 Provides 85% cover effectiveness
    - 2x2 Provides 95% cover effectiveness
  • Spritz - Long Range ground support missile turret
    - Needs HE - Missiles to fire ( Crafted at Nano Assembler )
  • Liberio - Heavy Anti Armor Cannon
    - Manned, Needs HE - Shells ( Crafted at Nano Assembler )


  • Morgante - Revolver
  • Laviano - SMG
  • Laurino - Machine Gun
  • Gavino - Marksman Rifle
  • Shwalbe - Assault Rifle
  • Natasha - Javelin Launcher / NEW UPDATE v.0.02
  • Usov - Heavy Pistol / NEW UPDATE v.0.02


  • Katalina - Tactical Sword
  • Sevika - Combat Knife / NEW UPDATE v.0.02


SV-Mercy Mark 1 - Medic Helmet

  • - Medical Tend Quality + 0.35
    - Medical Surgery Success Chance + 0.25
  • SV-Patriot Mark 1 - Security Helmet
    - Suppression Power + 0.15
  • SV-Chernov Mark 1 - Hazard Helmet
    - Grants immunity against all toxic/radiated environments
  • SV-001 Lockdown Mark 1 - Psycaster Helmet
    - Psychic Entropy Max + 0.85
    - Psychic EntropyRecovery Rate + 0.2
    - Meditation Focus Gain + 0.10
  • SV-Ares Mark 1 - Assault Helmet


  • SV-Headhunter Mark 2 - Headhunter Helmet
    - Accuracy Touch + 0.60
    - Accuracy Short + 0.55
    - Accuracy Medium + 0.50
    - Accuracy Long + 0.30
    - Hunting Stealth + 0.45
  • SVT-Wolverine Mark 2 - Marine Helmet
    - Accuracy Touch + 0.25
    - Accuracy Short + 0.20
    - Accuracy Medium + 0.15
    - Accuracy Long + 0.10
  • SVM-Jeager Mark 2 - Close Combat Helmet
    - Melee Dodge Chance + 0.50
    - Melee Hit Chance + 0.50

  • SU-Vulca Autocannon Turret 2x2
  • SU-Yulia Shredder HMG Turret 2x2
  • SU-Vika Sentry Turret 1x1
  • Armored Barricade 3x1

  • Armored Grating
    - Facing - North and South
    - Facing - East and West
  • Armored Sterile Floor
  • Armored Steel Floor
    - 3 Variant Textures

  • Deus Trench Coat
  • Ilya Tech. Mark 1 Nanosuit

09.05.22 (1.3)


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