Mod «Open World (Multiplayer Mod)» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Open World (Multiplayer Mod)

Open world is a work in progress mod that aims to achieve a fun and natural multiplayer experience in Rimworld. With it, you can experience all your normal and casual adventures that you would in a singleplayer, but now connected with a bunch of other players alongside.

You can choose to help each other by providing support, gifting, trading, aiding, chatting, or to transform into a world wide known enemy for all the inhabitants of the planet. There are no rules but the ones you dictate yourself. After all, this is Rimworld.

To connect to a server, use the multiplayer buttons when creating or loading a world. All data sent between clients of this mod and server is encrypted using simple but working encryption.

Attention! This is a work in progress mod! Things are prone to breaking! If something does, please check you are using both the latest client and server before posting bugs.

Found anything suspicious or broken? Want something added to the mod? Let me know!

Keep into consideration that I am only one developer in this project. I will try to work constantly, but will take breaks from time to time to avoid burnouts. Thanks for your consideration!

Download the server files from:

Follow my progress in the mod at:

This mod requires all of the following other mods:

22.01.23 (1.3-1.4)




07.05.22 (1.3)


Version 14.04.22 for RimWorld (v1.3)


Version 31.03.22 for RimWorld (v1.3)

  • Fixes
  • Security measures have been reinforced to further prevent people exploiting trades/gifts/events. The game now saves each time an operation is completed successfully! Also no, It won't save when It breaks, I don't want the players to loose items due to a bug. Trades and gifts should be more stable between players now!
  • The players now transmit more information to the server at login and during X situations, this is a work in progress towards the trading posts and the spy function. Only one more update should be needed until these two are out!
  • Some parts of the code that could cause trouble have been reworked! (Disconnected from the server errors, 'Silent Disconnect' errors) I'm pretty sure not all of the troublesome lines of code are fixed, since there is a lot to digest, but this update should shrink the amount of occurrences. Give It a shot!
  • The default key of chat has been changed to 'H'. For anyone that already had the mod installed this doesn't matter, since your hotkeys are already saved locally.
  • Traded/Gifted pawns traits are now transferred between players! (Most of them) The game seems to be hit or miss to where X traits are stored, so there might be some of them that are not included in the repository where the game is supposed to look. If some of your traits don't get sent, please hit me up so I can find the ones that are missing! Traits that have problems will force open the console even in online.


Version 15.03.22 for RimWorld (v1.3)

  • The chat has been reworked. It still has some stuff left to be done, but is now smaller, transparent, and can be dragged around the screen.
  • The trade request UI has been changed to a more beautiful version, having a text list with all the items was a bit ugly, so that's gone.
  • Two new action buttons have been added into the mod, they are just for show since the functions are not added yet. Can you find them? :eyes:
  • Some bugs that could crash your game have been patched, everything should run with less problems now!

Version 09.03.22 for RimWorld (v1.3)

  • Fix for people that weren't able to input their domains into the IP box.
  • Added real time trading! Now you can trade your valuables directly to other players!


File info

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Will you guys upload the updated 1.4v Version?




Update Please
